Authentic indigenous artwork made by artisans of the Wixárika (Huichol) tribe in Mexico. Each purchase supports the cultural heritage of the Wixárika tribe, and helps sustain their ancient spiritual traditions inherently tied to the native art forms

Customizable framed prints are made to order, with a variety of sizes and frame styles available. Find the perfect fit for your space.

Whether you are looking for unique indigenous art or wanting to order a batch of affordable prints, our collections offer something for everyone.

Each handmade yarn painting portrays a unique vision or dream from the artisan. The symbols and stories of creation come alive through the artwork.

Living in the Sierra Madre Mountains of central western Mexico, the Wixárika tribe have maintained their mystical spiritual traditions and visionary art forms for thousands of years.

Wixárika (Huichol) yarn paintings are well known around the world for their vibrant colors and powerful symbology.

Eligio's yarn paintings have been displayed around the world at various museums and galleries, including the Native American Musuem, the Smithsonian Museum, and the The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center.

Customizable Framed Prints

“We've been collecting Huichol Art for a long time. Huichol Art is our environment and surrounding. It is the last thing I see before going to sleep and the first thing I see before getting up in the morning. We have some truly incredible nierkias (yarn paintings) and beaded art work. They depict Huichol cosmology. Many pieces came out of the vision of a Shaman. Many times a day I look at them and my soul relaxes. Looking at hem I feel connected with the Huichol people. Collecting these incredible pieces of art is our small contribution to sustaining this amazing ancient culture.”

Each yarn painting is a neirika, a doorway. I think of them as windows, windows to the realm of the gods and by hanging them on my walls I am adding a window that is inviting life force, joy and beauty into my home.”

“I've been collecting Huichol art for over twenty-five years. The art made by the Huichol shaman is truly magical - the colors and symbols are a beautiful reminder of the existence of the world beyond our daily human lives.”